# Float

Applies a custom float across any breakpoint with responsive float utilities.

# Overview

Float utility classes apply floating based upon the current viewport size using the CSS float property.

Material Design Breakpoints
Extra smallxsSmall to large phone< 600px
SmallsmSmall to medium tablet600px > < 960px
MediummdLarge tablet to laptop960px > < 1264px*
LargelgDesktop1264px > < 1904px*
Extra largexl4k and ultra-wide> 1904px*
* -16px on desktop for browser scrollbar

# Classes

Easily toggle a float with a class:

# Responsive

Floats can also be applied on a per breakpoint (viewport) basis.

Here is a list of all the available support classes:

  • .float-left
  • .float-right
  • .float-none
  • .float-sm-left
  • .float-sm-right
  • .float-sm-none
  • .float-md-left
  • .float-md-right
  • .float-md-none
  • .float-lg-left
  • .float-lg-right
  • .float-lg-none
  • .float-xl-left
  • .float-xl-right
  • .float-xl-none

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Last updated:07/07/2020, 9:46:36 PM