# Treeview
The v-treeview
component is useful for displaying large amounts of nested data.
# Usage
A basic example
# Examples
# Props
# Activatable
Treeview nodes can be activated by clicking on them.
# Color
You can control the text and background color of the active treeview node.
# Dense mode
Dense mode provides more compact layout with decreased heights of the items.
# Hoverable
Treeview nodes can have a hover effect.
# Item disabled
Setting item-disabled prop allows to control which node’s property disables the node when set to true
# Load children
You can dynamically load child data by supplying a Promise callback to the load-children prop. This callback will be executed the first time a user tries to expand an item that has a children property that is an empty array.
# Open all
Treeview nodes can be pre-opened on page load.
# Rounded
You can make treeview nodes rounded.
# Selectable
You can easily select treeview nodes and children.
# Selected color
You can control the color of the selected node checkbox.
# Selection type
Treeview now supports two different selection types. The default type is ‘leaf’, which will only include leaf nodes in the v-model array, but will render parent nodes as either partially or fully selected. The alternative mode is ‘independent’, which allows one to select parent nodes, but each node is independent of its parent and children.
# Shaped
Shaped treeview’s have rounded borders on one side of the nodes.
# Slots
# Append and label
Using the the label, and an append slots we are able to create an intuitive file explorer.
# Misc
# Search and filter
Easily filter your treeview by using the search prop. You can easily apply your custom filtering function if you need case-sensitive or fuzzy filtering by setting the filter prop. This works similar to the v-autocomplete component.
# Selectable icons
Customize the on, off and indeterminate icons for your selectable tree. Combine with other advanced functionality like API loaded items.