# Sparklines

The sparkline component can be used to create simple graphs, like GitHub’s contribution chart.

Any SVG attribute may be used in addition to the ones listed below.

# Usage

A sparkline is a tiny chart that provides a visual representation of data. The sparkline component comes in 2 variations, trend(default) and bar. Each support a multitude of options for customizing the look and feel of the sparkline.


# Examples

# Props

# Fill

You can create a v-sparkline with fill using the fill property.

# Misc

# Custom labels

By providing a label slot, we are able to modify the displayed content adding a dollar sign ($). This slot is exclusively for text content. For more information on the svg <text> element, navigate here.

# Dashboard card

The v-sparkline component pairs nicely with v-card and v-sheet to create customized information cards, perfect for admin dashboards. Here we use custom labels to provide additional context for the sparkline.

# Heart rate

For concise information, a complete chart might be overkill. Using a trend line with gradient provides enough detail for the user without showing too much information.

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Last updated:06/29/2020, 12:03:58 PM