# Pagination
The v-pagination
component is used to separate long sets of data so that it is easier for a user to consume information. Depending on the length provided, the pagination component will automatically scale. To maintain the current page, simply supply a v-model attribute.
# Usage
Pagination by default displays the number of pages based on the set length prop, with prev and next buttons surrounding to help you navigate.
# Examples
# Props
# Circle
The circle prop gives you an alternate style for pagination buttons.
# Disabled
Pagination items can be manually deactivated using the disabled prop.
# Icons
Previous and next page icons can be customized with the prev-icon and next-icon props.
# Length
Using the length prop you can set the length of v-pagination
, if the number of page buttons exceeds the parent container, it will truncate the list.
# Total visible
You can also manually set the maximum number of visible page buttons with the total-visible prop.