# Overflow buttons

v-overflow-btn is used to give the user the ability to select items from the list. It has 3 variations: editable, overflow and segmented

# Usage

v-overflow-btn is used for creating selection lists


# Examples

# Props

# Counter

You can add a counter to v-overflow-btn to control the max char count

# Dense

You can use dense prop to reduce overflow button height and lower max height of list items.

# Disabled

v-overflow-btn can be disabled in order to prevent a user from interacting with it

# Editable

editable v-overflow-btn can be directly edited, just as v-text-field

# Filled

Text fields can be used with an alternative box design. Append and prepend icon props are not supported in this mode.

# Hint

You can add a hint for the user using the hint property

# Loading

v-overflow-btn can have loading state with a linear progress bar under them

# Readonly

v-overflow-btn can be put into readonly mode, it’ll become inactive but won’t change the color

# Segmented

segmented v-overflow-btn has and additional divider between the content and the icon

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Last updated:06/29/2020, 9:53:41 AM